MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union


May is Asian Heritage Month

The occasion acknowledges the long and rich history of Asian Canadians and their contributions to Canada. It also provides an opportunity for Canadians across the country to reflect on and…

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26th National Day of Mourning - April 28

April 28th marks the 26th National Day of Mourning - a day to remember and mourn those who have been killed or injured on the job. Hundreds of events are taking place across the country to…

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Probation Officers Unfairly Targeted

In recent news stories, Probation Officers have been singled out for not filing breaches against offenders who don’t follow their court ordered conditions of release.

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20th Anniversary of Earth Day in Canada

More than six million Canadians join a billion people in more than 170 countries every year in staging Earth Day events and projects to address local environmental issues. Nearly every school…

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