MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union


Who Speaks for the Public Interest?

One of the most perverse aspects of Canadian society is the way that organized labour and other progressive organizations are dismissed as special interest groups and marginalized in public…

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Government Unveils Plan in Throne Speech

The Manitoba Government unveiled its plan for the upcoming Legislative Session in the Speech from the Throne, read today by Manitoba’s Lt.-Gov. Philip Lee. Below you will find a bulleted list…

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Not the Time for Spending Cuts

GIVEN THE fragile economic recovery and the weak job market, now is not the time for a sharp turn to spending cuts, says a study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

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MGEU Elects First Female President

For the first time in the MGEU’s history, the union has elected a female president. Lois Wales (Cardiology Technologist - Area 5 Technical/Professional/Paramedical Component) was voted to a…

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Champions for Change Meet in Ottawa

Close to 100 Champions for Change from across the country gathered in Ottawa earlier this month to discuss a new campaign being launched by the National Union of Public and General Employees…

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