On Friday, November 26th, LITE (Local Investment Towards Employment) is once again hosting one of Winnipeg’s largest community economic development events: the annual Blueberry Pancake Breakfast. Stop by the Indian & Metis Friendship Centre (45 Robinson Street) between 7-10 am to enjoy blueberry pancakes catered by LITE’s partners, a local crafter’s market and music by Fred Penner, E.C.C.O Choir and more!

Funds from the breakfast directly support long term poverty reduction in Winnipeg’s inner city. Last year, the event raised over $15,000 for LITE’s “Working Solution Fund”, which provides community economic development grants to support employment initiatives in Winnipeg’s inner city as well as Christmas hampers for inner city residents. This year, join the MGEU in helping LITE reach their goal of $20,000!

Tickets are $12 ($5 low income, under 12 free) and are available at the LITE office (571 Selkirk Avenue), at the door, and at the MGEU head office (601-275 Broadway). Please see the attached poster for details, or contact the LITE office at 942-8578.