MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union

MGEU Contracts

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Allied Wings - Local 379

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ALS Canada Ltd. - Local 166

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ANCR - Local 365

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Animikii Ozoson Child and Family Services Inc., Local 443

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Assiniboine Community College - Local 71

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Assiniboine Early Learning Centre - Local 445

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Beacon Hill Lodge - Local 80

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Brandon University - Local 135

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Canadian Blood Services - Local 200

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Career Connections - Local 142

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Child & Family Services Central Manitoba, Supervisors - Local 264

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Child & Family Services Central Manitoba, Support - Local 265

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Child & Family Services, Western Manitoba - Local 211

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Churchill Children's Centre - Local 455

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Civil Service Master Agreement - Locals 1 - 55

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Communities Economic Development Fund - Local 154

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COR Enterprises - Local 155

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Dakota Ojibway Child & Family Services Inc. (DOCFS), Locals 435, 436 and 437

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DC Cafe - Local 204

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Deaf Centre Manitoba - Local 203

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Elizabeth Fry Society of Manitoba - Local 301

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End Homelessness Winnipeg Inc., Local 439

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Falcon Lake Golf Course - Local 356

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Family Dynamics Community Staff - Local 214

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Family Dynamics Office Staff - Local 212

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Family Visions - Local 303

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Frontier School Division, Local 446

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Golden Door Geriatric Centre - Local 87

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Golico - Locals 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61

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Government Community Workers (Child Development Workers) - Locals 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 258

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Halcrow Lake Day Care Centre - Local 215

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Interlake-Eastern Community Support, Area 5 - Local 405

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Interlake-Eastern HCSS, Area 5 - Local 413

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Interlake-Eastern T/P, Area 5 - Local 411

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Kinosao Sipi Minisowin Agency (KSMA), Local 448

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Knowles Centre - Local 172

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Knowles Centre SAIL - Local 432

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Lakeview Hecla Golf Course - Local 140

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Les Tournesols de Saint-Vital Inc. - Local 441

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Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba - Locals 425 and 426

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Macdonald Youth Services COACH Program, Local 453

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Macdonald Youth Services The Link - Heart 2 Home - Local 369

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Macdonald Youth Services Youth Crisis Stabilization - Local 221

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Main Street Project - Local 136

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Manitoba Arts Council - Local 444

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Manitoba Centennial Centre - Local 125

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Manitoba Horse Racing Commission - Local 146

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Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Food & Beverage Services Employees - Local 260

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Manitoba Museum - Local 133

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Manitoba Possible - Local 262

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Manitoba Public Insurance - Locals 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68

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MASC Adjustors - Locals 359, 360, 361, 362

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MASC Admin - Locals 359, 360, 361, 362

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Metis Child & Family Community Services

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Metis Child and Family Services Authority - Local 394

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Michif Child and Family Services Inc. (MCFS) - Locals 384, 385 & 422

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Municipality of WestLake Gladstone - Local 454

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NCN Family and Community Wellness Centre - Local 358

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Neecheewam Inc. - Local 139

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Nisichawayasihk Personal Care Home - Local 367

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Paramedics of Winnipeg - Local 911

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Parkland Crisis Centre - Local 170

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Parkland Res & Voc Services - Local 180

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Patient Transport Services - Local 451

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Peak of the Market - Local 124

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Pinaow Wachi Personal Care Home - Local 423

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Poseidon Care Centre - Local 81

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Prairie Mountain Community Support, Area 2 and 3 - Local 402 and 403

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Prairie Mountain HCSS, Areas 2 and 3 - Locals 456 and 421

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Prairie Mountain T/P, Area 2 and 3 - Locals 408 and 409

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Red River College - Local 73

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Riverwood Square - Local 380

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Rod McGillivary Memorial Care Home - Local 447

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ROSE Inc. - Local 376

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Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation - Local 354

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Sara Riel - Local 353

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Seine River School Division Educational Assistants - Local 145

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Seine River School Division Support - Local 144

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Seine River School Division Trades - Local 143

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Southeast Child & Family Services - Local 395

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Southern T/P, Areas 4 & 5 - Locals 410 and 420

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SPIKE - Local 266

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St. Amant Inc. Trades - Local 93

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St. Amant Community Residential Programs - Local 178

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St. Amant Inc. (Support Group) - Local 92

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St. Norbert Personal Care Home - Local 368

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Tamarack Rehabilitation - Local 157

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Teranet Manitoba - Locals 397 and 399

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The Pas Regional Library - Local 440

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Travel Manitoba - Local 355

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UnionWare - Local 193

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Université de Saint-Boniface Professors (APPUSB) - Local 148

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Université de Saint-Boniface Instructors (APETP) - Local 149

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Université de Saint-Boniface Support (PASA-USB) - Local 147

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University College of the North - Locals 69 & 70

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University of Winnipeg Students' Association - Local 153

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UWSA Non-Admin - Local 433

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Victoria Lifeline - Local 137

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Western Manitoba Regional Library - Local 202

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Willow Place (formerly Osborne House) - Local 160

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Winnipeg Art Gallery - Local 150

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Winnipeg Clinic - Local 363

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WSD Educational Support - Local 460

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YWCA Meredith Place Residence - Local 424

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YWCA Residence (Thompson) - Local 179

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YWCA Westman Women's Shelter - Local 171

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