The Community Support Bargaining Committee reached a tentative agreement with the Employer Committee late last week. The Bargaining Committee is made up of representatives from Community Support locals in each of the Regional Health Authorities and three locals in Winnipeg, representing Home Care workers, Mental Health Proctors and Families First Home Visitors.

The deal spans four years from April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2013 and includes general wage increases for all classifications totaling 5.8%.

In addition, wage standardization adjustments of 7.8% were achieved for certified Home Care Attendants and Mental Health Proctor 3s to bring these classifications in line with counterparts in facilities. The parties also agreed to a process to establish full-time and part-time jobs in this sector.

Information packages will be mailed out to members shortly along with meeting notices for ratification votes.

The following was also agreed to during negotiations:
All employees who worked during the retroactivity period will receive retroactive pay. Staff who do not currently work for the employer are required to request retroactive pay in writing.

Retroactive pay will be processed as soon as possible following ratification of the settlement by both parties and the provision of the approved wage scales to the Employer. The anticipated timelines for processing retroactive pay will be communicated to all current employees in an appropriate format.

Wherever possible, retroactive pay will be made by separate cheque.