The MGEU Women’s Committee was out in full force volunteering at the 1st Annual MFL International Women’s Day (IWD) Pancake Breakfast on March 8th. Funds raised were allocated to MFL’s December 6 Memorial Fund. Sisters and Brothers from various unions were there to support the breakfast and Jennifer Howard and Judy Wasylycia-Leis both spoke at the event.

After the pancake breakfast everyone in attendance marched to the Manitoba Legislature to take part in the IWD celebration with hundreds of other supporters. Many speakers engaged and inspired the crowd by relaying their experience with activism in the women’s movement. It was also the 40th anniversary of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada and it was informative to note the Milestones in Women’s Equality from the recommendations made back in 1970 to the hopes for the future.

The end of IWD was capped off with the 4th Annual International Women’s Day dinner presented by Grassroots Women Manitoba. The theme of the dinner was honoring women whose lives are lived in the best of struggles. MGEU Brothers and Sisters came out in significant numbers to support this event. Sister, and past chair of the MGEU Women’s Committee, Kelly-Ann Stevenson was honoured for her achievements in her role as a trade unionist. The remaining 2010 honourees were Louise Champagne for Community Development, Sandra Drosdewech for Workplace Democracy, Jule Guard for Labour Studies and Human Rights, Laurie Helgason for Women’s Rights, Audrey McLelland for Social Justice and Shahina Siddiqui for Human Rights. Congratulations to all of these exceptional women.

The Women’s Committee would appreciate any suggestions or comments. Please contact them via email at or by writing to the MGEU Women’s Committee at 601-275 Broadway Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3C 4M6.

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