Earlier today, approximately one hundred-fifty Red River College members and other MGEU supporters marched in an information picket at the RRC Princess Street campus in Winnipeg.

Picketers were protesting the lack of progress at the bargaining table, as the employer has refused to negotiate any meaningful improvements to wages or health benefits during 35 bargaining sessions.

The sum total of their current salary offer over a four year period amounts to 3% (1% increase retroactive to June 2009, 0% June 2010, 0% June 2011, and a 2% increase in June 2012).

Dressed in red as a sign of solidarity, RRC members circled the downtown campus with placards that read “Honey they shrunk the offer,” “Where's the Fairness?” and “You can’t eat a zero!”

Next week (June 7-10) ACC and RRC members will take a vote to determine if they are going to provide their bargaining committee with a strike mandate.

College employees have been without a contract for almost a year.

Related Articles:

ACC/RRC Bargaining Committee Prepares Strike Vote

Colleges Members Picket Over Management's Bad Faith Bargaining