The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) is calling on politicians in Ottawa to pass anti-poverty legislation to deal with serious problems faced by municipalities across the country.

A motion put forward from Calgary and approved at the recent FCM meeting said social services have been overwhelmed by demand and only Ottawa is in a position to deal with the issue.

The Calgary motion called on the federal government to re-assert its role in ensuring income security for all Canadians.

By endorsing this motion, FCM joined more than 330 organizations, as well as 57 MPs and 12 senators to date, in supporting a national campaign called Dignity for All.

The campaign is led by two national organizations - Canada Without Poverty (CWP) and Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ). It is asking the federal government to immediately develop a national anti-poverty plan and legislation to provide adequate income security for all Canadians.

“FCM has an important stake in ensuring the successful reform of Canada’s social safety net," says Joe Ceci, a Calgary alderman who sponsored the motion.

"Federal governments need to move decisively to address poverty through the measures articulated in this Dignity for All campaign."