MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union


Representation Votes to Occur in RHAs

On Thursday, May 31st, the MGEU Board of Directors voted to trigger representation votes in the recently amalgamated RHAs, because the Board believes productive bargaining will not take place…

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Family Visions Ratify New Agreement

Today a ratification meeting was held in Brandon for members of Family Visions Inc. (Local 303). Members of the Local voted to accept the new three-year agreement which includes improvements…

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Provincial EMS Review Announced

The Province of Manitoba announced a comprehensive review is underway into Manitoba Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to determine how these services can be strengthened for the next decade to…

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A Free Day at the Museum for MGEU Members

The MGEU has arranged a free day at The Manitoba Museum this Sunday, May 6. All MGEU members and their immediate families are invited (limit of 6 admissions per family, children 3 and under…

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2012 Day of Mourning - April 28

Every year on April 28, the labour movement hosts events to mark the International Day of Mourning for workers killed or injured on the job. With the Day of Mourning falling on a weekend this…

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Federal Bill Threatens Unions

Canadian Unions and their members have been targeted by the Harper government to force public disclosure of their finances, and hence their planning and strategies, so anti-union employers and…

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May Day March in Winnipeg

Show your solidarity in calling for strong community action - prosperity not austerity - by joining in the May Day march.

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