The Safe Roads message returned last week to Manitoba's billboards in a joint campaign intended to raise awareness about the safety of workers on Manitoba’s roads.

The campaign is targeted at motorists across the province, reminding them to slow down when driving near road construction crews as well as firefighters, hydro workers, paramedics and police officers. The billboards also remind drivers to think of Manitoba’s roadways as a workplace with a message that says "This is my workplace. Slow down."

The Highway Traffic Act supports the SAFE Roads campaign by setting additional penalties for failing to slow down in construction zones. Offenders caught speeding will have an additional five dollars added to the base fine for every kilometre recorded over the speed limit.

SAFE Roads is a joint safety effort by the following community stakeholders:

• City of Winnipeg
• City of Winnipeg Public Works
• City of Brandon
• Construction Safety Association of Manitoba (CSAM)
• CUPE Manitoba
• CUPE Local 500
• Manitoba Floodway Authority/East Side Road Authority
• Manitoba Government and General Employees' Union (MGEU)
• Manitoba Heavy Construction Association (MHCA)
• Manitoba Hydro
• Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation (MIT)
• Winnipeg Fire & Paramedics Service (WFPS)
• Winnipeg Police Service (WPS)
• Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba (WCB)