(NUPGE - Ottawa) - Developmental services workers, members of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), are meeting in Ottawa on May 10 and 11 to discuss a wide range of issues.

One of the issues to be discussed is the growing threat of provincial governments across the country cutting the funding to services for people with developmental disabilities. Those who work in developmental services worry that this will result in some of societies most vulnerable people being forced to pay for an economic crisis they had no part in creating.

"These workers struggle day in and day out to support people with disabilities," said NUPGE's National President James Clancy. "As provinces make funding cuts to their agencies, these workers are finding it harder and harder to deliver these important quality services."

"It doesn't have to be this way," explained Clancy. "The money is there, if only the federal and provincial governments make it a greater priority. With greater tax fairness we can ensure the resources are there to help some of the most vulnerable Canadians receive the support they need to live full and meaningful lives. And by tax fairness we mean ending corporate tax cuts and making the top 1% income earners pay their fair share."

The workers will be discussing NUPGE's All Together Now! campaign as well as a range of workplace issues including health and safety, the threat of privatization and staff-client working ratios.