The Civil Service Superannuation Board Employee representatives Election Regulation (the “regulations”) requires that an election be held this year. Employees of the government, agencies of the government and the MGEU elect three Board members.

A nominating committee has been struck in accordance with the regulation and consists of:
• Peter Olfert Retired (Winnipeg)
• Robert Prouse Justice (Winnipeg)
• Valerie Doherty MPI (Winkler)
• Penny Copeland Red River College
• Ed Miller MLCC (Portage La Prairie)

Any of the above persons can be reached at 982-6438 or 1-866-982-6438 or by email at

Nomination Criteria

Employees who contribute to the Civil Service Superannuation Fund (Fund) are entitled to propose a candidate for the nominating committee’s consideration. The proposal must be in writing and include:

• The surname and at least one of the given names of the proposed candidate;

In the case of an employee,

• The proposed candidate’s department, job title and day time phone number;

In the case of a retiree,

• A statement that the proposed candidate is a retiree and
• The name of the retiree’s last employer, or in the case of the government, the department or branch of the government in which the proposed candidate was employed immediately before retirement, and the title of the position that he or she held

• A brief outline of the candidate’s relevant experience and qualifications;

• A signed statement from the proposed candidate, consenting to being nominated and agreeing to act as an employee representative if elected; and

• The name and signature of the person submitting the proposal.

To be eligible for nomination a person must be a member of the Fund and is an employee of, or former employee who was last employed by, the government, an agency of the government, or the MGEU.

The name of any persons you wish to nominate must be in the hands of the Nominating Committee no later than 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 29, 2012.

The Nominating Committee, under the powers vested in it, will select not fewer than four and not more than eight names to be placed on the ballot.

Please send your nominations to:

       The Government and Agencies Nominating Committee
       601-275 Broadway Ave
       Winnipeg, MB R3C 4M6

The Civil Service Superannuation Board will distribute ballots for the 2012 election in August 2012.

Anyone having questions regarding this process may contact any member of the Nominating Committee.

Selection Criteria

Criteria for the selection of candidates for election to the Civil Service
Superannuation Board

Candidates for election will be selected based on the following attributes:

1. Knowledge of the Superannuation and Life Insurance Plans;
2. Knowledge and experience of Board Governance and Standards;
3. Experience representing members on behalf of a recognized employee or retiree organization.
4. Availability to regularly attend Board and Committee meetings
5. Demonstrated Integrity and Accountability
6. Ability to form opinions based on informed judgment
7. Financial Literacy
8. Mature confidence