MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union


Province Delivers Throne Speech

The Government of Manitoba unveiled its 2009 Throne Speech today. It is the first such Speech since the leadership race that saw Greg Selinger assume the position of Manitoba Premier.

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“Addictions Don’t Take Holidays”

Yesterday the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (AFM) announced it would be shutting its doors during the holiday season as a cost-cutting measure. The AFM plans to close all but three of its…

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MDC Celebrates Accreditation Success

On November 6th, the Manitoba Developmental Centre (MDC) celebrated a job well done, after the centre aced a recent four year accreditation by the Council of Accreditation (COA).

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Keep the Memory Alive on December 6

To mark the 20th Anniversary of the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, a number of initiatives and events are taking place in Manitoba and across the country.

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Help Achieve Dignity for All

The MGEU is supporting a long-term campaign to end poverty in Canada. Dignity for All is a multi-year, multi-partner, non-partisan campaign. This campaign’s vision is to make a poverty-free…

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Stand Up for Public Health Care

As part of the Canadian Health Coalition’s ongoing campaign against a privatized health care system and in anticipation of National Medicare Week, November 16 to 20, the CHC is asking…

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