Earlier this week, the MGEU informed Family Services and Housing members that the union was continuing discussions with their employer about required Criminal Record, Child Abuse Registry, and Prior Contact Checks to be completed on all FSH staff.

As a result of the union’s continued discussions with the employer on this matter, FSH has provided the MGEU with some much-needed clarification on this issue in a letter that will be sent to all employees.

Here are some of the details included in that letter:

• The three checks (Criminal Record, Child Abuse Registry, and Prior Contact) are voluntary for all FSH members.

• Members have the choice of consenting to all three security checks, or may consent to only one or two of the checks.

• Members who have already provided the employer with consent to conduct these checks, but do not feel comfortable in allowing them to proceed, can withdraw their consent without question or implication.

• Only designated Human Resources staff will view the results of the security checks. HR will determine an employee’s reassignment possibilities and provide managers only with the positions and to which areas the employee is eligible to be reassigned to.

• The applications and results of the processed security checks will be placed in a separate and secure pandemic planning file (not on the employee’s personnel file) and will be kept strictly confidential.

Based on the details of this letter the MGEU is recommending that FSH members carefully review the letter and allow the employer to proceed with the security checks only if they feel comfortable that such checks will not impact their current position.

For further information on Human Resources planning related to H1N1 please refer to: “Human Resources Planning, Response and Recovery for Disaster and Pandemic – A Guide for Managers and Employees in the Government of Manitoba."

Read the full letter from the employer.