The MGEU is supporting a long-term campaign to end poverty in Canada. Dignity for All is a multi-year, multi-partner, non-partisan campaign. This campaign’s vision is to make a poverty-free and more socially secure and cohesive Canada a reality by 2020. The conviction behind this campaign is that Canadians must respect and defend the right of every person to dignity and security.

Everyone has a role to play in building a poverty-free and more socially secure Canada – governments at all levels, businesses of all sizes and types, community and other civil society organizations, and individuals. The federal government, with its particular policymaking, legislative, taxation and redistributive powers, has an especially critical role. The Dignity for All Campaign is therefore aimed primarily to achieve federal action.

The campaign has three goals:

1. A comprehensive, integrated federal plan for poverty elimination;

2. A federal Act to eliminate poverty, promote social inclusion and strengthen social security: and

3. Sufficient federal revenue to invest in social security.

Please join the campaign. Visit and add your name to the list of campaign supporters.