Sunday, December 6th 2009 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Montréal Massacre – the day when 14 women were shot and killed at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal. They died because they were women.

Since 1991, Canadians have remembered this tragic event and reflected on violence against women in our society by commemorating the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women on December 6th.

This day represents an opportunity for all Canadians to consider the women and girls for whom violence is a daily reality, to remember those who have died as a result of gender-based violence, and to work to eliminate all forms of violence in our communities.

To mark this important day, a number of initiatives and events are taking place throughout the country. Here’s how you can get involved as a MGEU member…

MFL Women's Committee Hosting Event to Mark Day of Remembrance

The MFL Women's Committee is hosting a Day of Remembrance-Empowerment Fair on Friday, December 4th (5-8p.m. at the Union Centre).

The evening will include a memorial service, guest speakers and displays by various organizations that assist people affected by violence. Please share the event poster with others and join the MFL Women’s Committee for this important event.

CLC Postcard Campaign - 20 days 20 ways to end violence against women

Women living in violent situations often lack the financial resources to leave. Their situation is frequently compounded by low wages, cuts to social assistance and inadequate funding for women’s services and shelters.

To help renew the call for change, the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) has developed a postcard campaign which it officially launched on November 16. The campaign entitled 20 Days 20 Ways to End Violence Against Women encourages activists to send one postcard a day to the Prime Minister for the 20 days leading up to December 6. Postage is free to the Prime Minister’s office.

A set of 20 different postcards highlights a variety of measures that governments could implement to increase the safety and security of women to help eliminate violence against women.

The postcards focus on various areas of action, such as:

  • Funding for women’s services, shelters and organizations.
  • Pay equity, employment insurance, social assistance, minimum wage, pensions, housing, education and child care.
  • Aboriginal women, young women and women with disabilities.
  • Violence in the workplace, good jobs and public services.

The MGEU is encouraging everyone to participate in the postcard campaign and continue to lobby the federal government to ensure the safety of Canadian women and girls by implementing policies that establish women's equality through financial equity and strong social programs.