On September 1, Tembec's Powerview-Pine Falls paper mill locked out over 270 employees. The workers are represented by the United Steel Workers and the Canadian Office and Professional Employees.

The company has asked for concessions, including wage and benefits cuts, which add up to a 37 per cent decrease in each worker's total compensation package. At the MFL Convention in early October there was overwhelming support with a number of significant pledges and contributions to workers in their struggle on the picket line.

With the holiday season fast approaching, the MFL is asking you to support these locked-out families by making a contribution. Their goal is to raise $24,000 so that they can provide each family with at least a $100 gift card to be used at local businesses over the holiday season.

To get involved, send a donation to the Manitoba Federation of Labour (303 - 275 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4M6). Please make cheques payable to the Manitoba Federation of Labour and include a note identifying your contribution for the USW/COPE Christmas Fund. The MFL also encourages you to include a card or holiday message, which they will pass on to the locked out families.

For more information, contact Donna at the MFL (204) 947-1400.