MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union


Public Services - A Day in Your Life

The National Union of Public and General Employees has developed a review of a typical day in the life of an ordinary Canadian family and the truth becomes obvious: the public sector oils the…

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Westman Lab Ratifies Agreement

Tonight, the 120 members of Westman Regional Lab (MGEU Local 351) voted to ratify the latest offer from their employer, Diagnostics Services Manitoba (DSM).

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MGEU Sponsors Night of Disappeared

On Friday, October 14, the MGEU Human Rights Committee helped sponsor “Night of the Disappeared", an evening of cultural entertainment to raise awareness of the plight of thousands of union…

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MASC Adjustors Ratify Contract

For the past two weeks MGEU members from Locals 359, 360, 361, and 362 (MASC Adjustors) have been casting their mail-in ballots to accept or reject a new contract. This afternoon the ballots…

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Westman Lab Members Set Strike Date

Today, the 120 members of Westman Regional Lab (MGEU Local 351) have given their employer, Diagnostics Services Manitoba (DSM), a two-week notice of their intention to begin strike action…

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Citizens to Rally in Support of Wheat Board

This Friday the Canadian Wheat Board Alliance, the National Farmers Union and other Wheat Board supporters are rallying at the CWB Building in Winnipeg (423 Main Street) to protest the federal…

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Navigating the world of social media

Maybe you've decided to set up a twitter account or a blog. And then there’s Facebook. Or maybe you don’t want anything to do with social media but your employer thinks you should try it…

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