Since members voted to reject the employer’s last offer in August, the bargaining committee representing Crop Adjustors at the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation has made considerable efforts in getting management back to the table and addressing members’ concerns.

The committee met with the employer several times over the past two months and, though it took a great deal of patience, both sides are pleased to have reached a new tentative agreement.

The primary difference between this agreement and the previous one is an additional step to the senior adjustor classification, which amounts to a 4% increase. Because of that increase, the bargaining committee also made its case that the variance between the team leaders and senior team leader classification should be maintained. Management has agreed to do that, which means both the team leaders and senior team leaders will receive an additional 1.8% increase to their wage adjustment.

These are all very positive changes, but the employer was still unwilling to make any changes to their existing proposal regarding mileage rates. The committee feels that this offer represents the most which can be achieved at the bargaining table. Given that, they are recommending the membership ACCEPT the employer’s latest offer.

A package is currently being prepared for MASC Adjustors which will include a highlight sheet about the agreement, as well as a ballot and postage-paid envelope. Information sessions are being scheduled in Portage la Prairie and Dauphin over the next couple of weeks. The committee is asking members to attend one of those meetings to ask a question and learn more about the offer before casting their ballots (only one ballot will be issued to each member). All ballots must be received at the Winnipeg head office no later than Wednesday, November 2 at noon.

In the meantime, any MASC member with a question is encouraged to contact the MGEU Resource Centre at 982-MGEU (toll-free 1-866-982-MGEU).