Some people believe that it would be best if no one paid taxes and instead let the invisible hand of the “free market” take care of everything.

Anti-tax and anti-public sector advocates create a disconnection between the taxes we pay and the benefits we receive. So, our National Union thought it would be interesting to take a look at all of the things that people would have to stop doing if they didn't want to pay taxes anymore.

Here’s a list of one hundred things to avoid if you hate taxes...

1. Do not visit your doctor’s office or local hospital.
2. Do not send your kids to public schools.
3. Do not support the Canadian Forces.
4. Do not expect the Canadian Coast Guard to save you from an emergency at sea.
5. Do not expect the government to intervene and boost the economy during a recession.
6. Do not call 911 for help.
7. Do not rely on the police department.
8. Do not rely on the fire department.
9. Do not drive on the Trans Canada Highway, provincial highways or municipal streets.
10. Do not put your trash and recycling out at your curb.
11. Do not drink clean tap water.
12. Do not expect to breathe clean air.
13. Do not apply for a job with any government or government funded agency.
14. Do not go camping in a national or provincial park.
15. Do not let your kids play in a city park.
16. Do not apply for a lease for your company to explore and extract gas on Crown lands.
17. Do not visit the city library.
18. Do not visit public museums.
19. Do not take your kids to public zoos.
20. Do not use public recreational facilities like swimming pools or basketball or tennis courts.
21. Do not eat food inspected by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
22. Do not apply for Employment Insurance or job training assistance if you lose your job.
23. Do not apply for Workers Compensation Insurance benefits if you’re hurt at work.
24. Do not fly on federally regulated airlines.
25. Do not use the judiciary system for any reason.
26. Do not eat in restaurants which have been inspected by public health officials.
27. Do not use a Canadian passport issued by public employees.
28. Do not live in or near communities with public prisons guarded by correctional officers.
29. Do not use public transit
30. Do not live in communities with pesticide controls.
31. Do not apply for a student bursary or loan to attend post-secondary education.
32. Do not apply for enforcement of child support payments.
33. Do not pay attention to the expiry date on your cream cheese.
34. Do not apply for a birth certifi cate.
35. Do not collect Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security or Guaranteed Income Supplement benefits.
36. Do not use the National Archives.
37. Do not apply for subsidized housing.
38. Do not send a letter through Canada Post.
39. Do not save your money in a bank insured by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation.
40. Do not seek help from a Canadian embassy, consulate or trade office in a foreign country.
41. Do not expect to see animals protected by Endangered Species legislation.
42. Do not complain when someone steals your intellectual property and sells it as their own.
43. Do not use elevators.
44. Do not read the nutritional information on food labels.
45. Do not use research or data provided by Statistics Canada.
46. Do not listen to regular or severe weather warnings from the Environment Canada Weather Office.
47. Do not participate in any vaccination program provided by a public health department.
48. Do not apply for a student job under the Canada Summer Jobs program or similar provincial programs.
49. Do not expect overtime pay if you work more than the government mandated number of hours in a day or week.
50. Do not be surprised to see children under 10 working.
51. Do not use a Land Registry Office to search for information and documents.
52. Do not be upset when companies collude to charge you higher prices.
53. Do not expect to be paid a minimum wage.
54. Do not complain when an auto body shop or fast food outlet sets up on your street.
55. Do not sign-up for the federal Do Not Call list.
56. Do not flush your toilet and expect the waste to be transported, treated and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.
57. Do not take prescription medications.
58. Do not call an animal control officer to deal with stray dogs or cats in your community.
59. Do not use a child care facility that’s regulated for group size, educator training, space requirements, nutrition, or health and safety.
60. Do not rely on laws that protect you from workplace discrimination based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability.
61. Do not eat an agricultural product protected from unhealthy doses of pesticides.
62. Do not use any product or knowledge (like the Internet) that has been created thanks to publicly funded research.
63. Do not buy and sell stocks which are regulated and monitored by a government mandated securities commission.
64. Do not apply for social assistance.
65. Do not apply for a liquor license.
66. Do not follow traffic laws.
67. Do not work in any workplace that is safe thanks to government regulations.
68. Do not expect to swim in a clean river or lake.
69. Do not expect help preventing and fighting forest fires.
70. Do not complain that you have no rights when it comes to cemeteries and Funeral Services.
71. Do not expect houses or buildings to be built to a standard code.
72. Do not apply for legal aid assistance.
73. Do not expect transport trucks to be inspected for safety.
74. Do not expect Canadian culture to be supported or promoted.
75. Do not expect security on our international borders.
76. Do not apply for a marriage certificate.
77. Do not expect government income assistance or insurance for the agricultural sector.
78. Do not expect water, forest or wildlife conservation programs.
79. Do not use energy provided by a public utility.
80. Do not use government protected nature trails.
81. Do not support Canada’s claim to the Arctic and specific efforts such as the Polar Continental Shelf Program.
82. Do not use a publically funded and provided mental health program.
83. Do not use seat belts, child safety seats or air bags in your car.
84. Do not apply for a seniors’ income assistance plan to help pay for prescription drugs.
85. Do not ask for adoption records.
86. Do not apply for a social insurance number.
87. Do not expect to be able to vote on election day.
88. Do not expect evacuation assistance during a disaster or income assistance after a disaster.
89. Do not use vacation time or expect vacation pay.
90. Do not use your microwave which is regulated for protection against unhealthy levels of radiation.
91. Do not apply for services or benefits provided by Veterans Affairs Canada.
92. Do not buy or drive any vehicle that is regulated for and inspected for safety standards.
93. Do not apply for a patent if you invent something.
94. Do not apply for a government grant to start your own business.
95. Do not expect to see or hear much Canadian content in the media.
96. Do not complain that nothing is being done to prevent and prepare for a pandemic outbreak.
97. Do not expect the registration of lobbyists to promote open and accountable government.
98. Do not expect efficient and cost-effective means of settling landlord-tenant disputes.
99. Do not complain that you have no rights and businesses have no obligations when it comes to consumer loans and credit.
100. Do not move to any of the other 20 OECD countries that have higher total tax levels than Canada.

The only good tax is a fair tax. But saying taxes are generally good is not saying all levels of taxation are fair. Working families are paying too much, while the wealthy and corporations are paying too little.

Please join the All Together Now! campaign. It offers many ways you can get involved, join the conversation and help set the record straight.