MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union


MGEU Holiday Hours

Here are our holiday hours. If you need assistance from the union during the holidays, please contact our Resource Centre by phone or email. Happy Holidays!

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Busy Legislative Session Wraps Up

The Manitoba Legislature has wrapped up for another year and it was a busy one with a successful lobby day for members and meetings with the Premier, Ministers, and MLAs. Over a dozen pieces…

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MGEU Member Survey to Begin November 13

Starting November 13 (for the next 2-3 weeks), the MGEU will be undertaking the annual survey of its membership to determine members’ attitudes on a number of crucial issues facing those in…

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Lest We Forget

Every year on November 11, Canadians pause in a silent moment of remembrance for more than 2.3 million Canadians who have served our country in times of war, conflict and peace, and more than…

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