MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union


Liberals Would Invest in Downtown Brandon

Manitoba Liberal Leader Dr. John Gerrard announced that a Liberal government would assistance in revitalizing the city’s struggling downtown core if elected on May 22.  This would…

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PCs Announce Tax Cuts

The Manitoba Progressive Conservatives have announced that they would make additional tax cuts if elected, including a 50 percent reduction in school taxes over six years.  They…

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NDP Focus on Youth

The NDP have pledged to create 4,000 new apprenticeship training opportunities, introduce Manitoba’s first-ever new media tax credit, and work with community leaders to make Manitoba an…

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PCs Would Try To Bring Jets Back

A Manitoba PC government would take steps to help bring the Jets back to Winnipeg.  As part of a broader strategy aimed at addressing youth, Leader Hugh McFadyen committed…

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NDP Announce New Supports For Families

The NDP have announced that they would provide new supports for families so their loved ones receive quality care and can live as independently as possible with comfort and dignity.  The…

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McFadyen Commits to More Child Care Spaces

Manitoba Progressive Conservative Leader Hugh McFadyen has committed to enhancing Manitoba's child care program by increasing funding by 2% annually over each of the next five years, investing…

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