This fall, Health Care Support Services (HCSS) workers in the newly-formed Interlake-Eastern RHA were given the opportunity to choose their union via mail-in ballot.

Yesterday at the Manitoba Labour Board, 767 ballots were counted in the vote between members of the MGEU and CUPE, and a decision was finally made as to which union would represent these members at the bargaining table, in grievance proceedings, and in their workplace.

Here are the results (which remain unofficial until confirmed by the Labour Board in the coming days):
MGEU - 423 ballots
CUPE - 300 ballots

44 spoiled ballots

“These votes put HCSS bargaining on hold and people have been very patient,” said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. “So it’s job one for us to get negotiations up and rolling again. I have to tell you, I can’t wait to begin working with all our HCSS members in the new RHA.”

Once the Manitoba Labour Board issues a new certificate to the MGEU, all workers involved in this vote will officially become MGEU members. After that, the MGEU can begin working with CUPE on a transition process that will allow the MGEU to handle any outstanding grievances and issues.

“I know our Health Care Support Services Bargaining Committee is eager to collect any further proposals from members formerly with CUPE,” Gawronsky added, “and then get a package to the employer ASAP.”

Until the new contract is negotiated between representatives of the MGEU and the employer, each union’s previous collective agreement will remain in place.

“I’d like to say a special thank you to those MGEU members who worked so hard to try and ensure all members had the opportunity to make an informed choice,” Gawronsky said. “Your efforts paid off and our union is stronger for it.”