On Saturday, December 1, an unidentified man called Winnipeg Police to report a threat against the safety of a social worker testifying at the Phoenix Sinclair Inquiry. MGEU immediately called for greater security at the Convention Centre where the Inquiry is being held.

"This is exactly why we fought so hard for a publication ban on our members' names and faces," said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky. "Child welfare workers go into the field to prevent something like what happened to Phoenix. Sitting on the stand and testifying into her death is their greatest nightmare, and it’s been profoundly stressful for everyone. These threats just add to what’s already a horribly stressful experience for our members and their families."

The MGEU has asked for an additional two sheriff officers to monitor activity outside the courtroom and to escort witnesses to and from the proceedings.

"We're working to ensure our members are as safe as possible," Gawronsky said.

Watch the CTV news clip: Threats made against witnesses