A message from Canadians for Tax Fairness:

Watch this inspirational short video
, produced by our friends at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and then pass it on to your friends.

Even better, send it to your Member of Parliament as a reminder that when they debate the omnibus budget bill C-38, they should be thinking of how government can help us all to care for each other and for the environment, not ripping up social programs and trashing environmental protection as the budget bill threatens to do.

I recently had the opportunity to appear before the parliamentary Finance Committee hearings on the budget bill C-38. Here is some of what I had to say:

• Austerity is the wrong prescription for our ailing economy. Cutbacks in government spending and layoffs of large numbers of public servants, as this budget proposes to do, jeopardizes the weak economic recovery.
• The main reason for the deficit is not run-away government spending, but ill-advised tax cuts.
• The under-lying weakness of consumer spending is due in large part to the growing gap between rich and poor. Wealth has become far too concentrated in the top 10 or even 1%. And middle and lower income Canadians have seen their incomes stagnate or decline. The very rich can’t spend as much as ordinary Canadians because there are very few of them.
• What would help our economy most, and business in particular, would be policies to redistribute wealth and reduce unemployment. And one of the most effective ways to do that would be to make taxes fairer and improve social programs.

Send this video to your MP now and ask her/him to vote against the Budget Bill C-38.

You can edit the suggested message or add your own comments on our action page.

And then pass this message and video link on as a gift to your friends.

Thanks for your support.

Dennis Howlett
Executive Director,
Canadians for Tax Fairness