This April, the Winnipeg Labour Council and United Way of Winnipeg will be offering training for MGEU activists to become Labour Community Advocates.

These advocates are union members who have volunteered to be trained about the resources available in their community for workers facing workplace, personal or family challenges. The training allows members to strengthen their listening, communication and referral skills, while learning about various social issues affecting their community.

Labour Community Advocates are also trained to support their union in identifying issues where the union can play a role, through collective bargaining or social action.

Eight Level 1 sessions are being offered Monday evenings starting April 16, 2012 – June 11. Classes will run from 6pm – 9pm at United Way of Winnipeg, 580 Main St. The deadline for applications is March 16, 2012.

The course registration fee of $90.00 will be paid by the MGEU for any current activist interested in this training. However, any additional costs, such as wage recovery will not covered by the union for this training.

Labour Community Advocate Registration Form

Labour Community Advocate Poster

More information about this program is available from the United Way of Winnipeg website. Maximum 20 participants due to space restrictions – first come, first served.