Wednesday, February 29, 2012 is the 13th International Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Awareness Day. The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) was behind the first RSI Awareness Day, on February 29, 2000. That day was selected because it was the only non-repetitive date of the year. The day is recognized on the 28th in non-leap years.

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) are the most common type of workplace injury in Canada. A Statistics Canada study revealed that more than two million Canadians, or nearly one person in 15, or one in every 10 adults, suffered from injuries severe enough to limit their usual activities.

RSIs describe a series of painful and often debilitating conditions affecting the body’s soft tissue, particularly muscles, nerves and joints. Pain is most often felt in the neck, shoulders, harms and hands. Contrary to the injuries most often associated with work (sprains, cuts or fractures), RSIs develop slowly, over time. The discomfort and pain caused by these injuries can worsen and increase the risk of more serious injuries. Some of these injuries can also cause permanent disabilities.

MGEU members in all workplaces can be affected by RSIs. Risk factors include applying excessive and constant force when doing tasks, performing a task too often or for too long, working in a poorly ergonomically-designed area, and not taking regular breaks.

Fortunately, there are basic things you can do to avoid RSIs:

• The most important is to take all scheduled breaks, including the lunch break. These breaks are essential for your body.
• Avoid doing the same thing over extended periods. Make sure there’s a rotation of duties and the employer implements it.
• Be aware that extreme temperatures, cold and vibrations can increase the risk of RSIs.
• Avoid dehydration. Drinking lots of water promotes good circulation and helps ward off RSIs.
• Your workstation should allow you to work comfortably and maintain good posture. Good lighting is also important.