This holiday season, the MGEU Women’s Committee endeavoured to give back to the community in each area of the Province.

In Brandon, Area 3 Women's Committee Member, Laurie Geseron donated books to the Women’s Resource Centre on behalf of the Women’s Committee.

In Thompson, Terry-Lyn Gagnon, Area 8 Women's Committee Member, brought up the idea and took the lead in organizing our members to participate in Thompson’s first Christmas parade in 50 years.

In The Pas, Darlene Adamson, Area 1 Women’s Committee Member took forward the idea to enter an annual event "Festival of Trees", which is a fund raising event for Marigold Daycare. Donna Janzen, Darlene Adamson and Donna Tumak made the decorations, and decorated the tree for the event. Darlene has also been collecting non-perishable items to deliver to the local Woman's Shelter, Aurora House.

In Winnipeg, the Women’s Committee collected donations for the local Woman’s Shelter, Osborne House, and made a donation to Better Father’s Inc.

These group efforts were a big success all across the province and the Women’s Committee would like to thank everyone who helped and made donations.

Happy Holidays!