LITE's annual Wild Blueberry Pancake Breakfast is on Friday, November 4th at the Indian and Metis Friendship Centre, 45 Robinson at Dufferin (7-11 am).

If you're interested in volunteering, there are volunteer positions open for the day of the breakfast with two shifts to choose from: 6:45-9:00 am or 8:45-11 am.

There are also volunteer opportunities for those who want to help out but can't make it on the day of the breakfast, or for people who simply want to attend the breakfast as a patron instead of a volunteer. People are needed to help set up the night before (5-8 pm), to help with take down after the breakfast (11 am-12 pm).

If you're interested in volunteering at the breakfast or before the breakfast, please contact Jen Buhr at or phone at 942-8578.