Last week, the MGEU bargaining committee representing Manitoba Housing Authority members reached a new four-year tentative agreement.

The new agreement is an amalgamation of two existing agreements, one representing MHA members located in Winnipeg and the other representing those working in the rural areas. As a result, the new tentative agreement will mean that, for the first time, all MHA members will be governed by the same terms and conditions of work, and they will be entitled to the same benefits, regardless of their work location. Also, for the first time, by the end of the new contract, benefits and reimbursement rates contained therein will be on par with those in the Civil Service collective agreement.

This is a significant achievement for the MHA bargaining committee as every article within each agreement had to be reviewed, negotiated and accepted by both sides – a very time-intensive process – but the result is something the committee believes will benefit members for many years to come.

Included in the tentative agreement is a general wage increase of 2.9% in each of the last two years as well as increases to health benefits, meal rates and mileage rates.

As a result, the bargaining committee is recommending acceptance of the new contract. In the coming weeks, they will be holding several meetings throughout the province to provide members with information and the opportunity to ask questions before they cast a ballot.

In the coming days, MHA members will receive a voting package in the mail, which will include a highlight sheet, which sets out some of the key achievements of the tentative agreement, as well as a ballot and post-paid envelope. Click here to review the full tentative agreement or contact our Resource Centre to have a print version mailed to you. Copies will also be available at each of the following Information / Voting meetings:

Wednesday, October 19 - Selkirk MGEU Office, 5:00 pm
Thursday, October 20 - Winnipeg (Union Centre), 7:00 pm
Tuesday, October 25 - Portage la Prairie MGEU Office, 5:00 pm
Thursday, October 27 - The Pas MGEU Office, 5:00 pm
Tuesday, November 1 - Brandon MGEU Office, 5:00 pm
Wednesday, November 2 – Dauphin MGEU Office, 5:00 pm

MHA members are encouraged to attend one of these meetings, learn more about the contract and cast their ballot. All ballots must be received at the Winnipeg head office no later than Friday, November 4th at noon. In the meantime, if you have questions, contact the MGEU Resource Centre.

Your MGEU Bargaining Committee:
President, MHA The Pas - Jack McIvor
President, MHA Dauphin - William Lang
President, MHA Brandon - Evelyn Gaboury
President, MHA Portage - Kelly Ouellette
President, MHA Selkirk - Todd Fiwchuk
President, MHA Winnipeg - Cathy VanBuren
Chief Steward, MHA Winnipeg - Jerry Tom
MGEU Staff Representatives - Janet Kehler, Anita Barker