Technical Professional Paramedical (TPP) bargaining representatives reached a tentative 4 year agreement with management on July 7, 2011.

The new agreements cover five Regional Health Authorities and Eden Mental Health Centre, as well as a separate agreement for the employees of Diagnostic Services of Manitoba.

Highlights of the tentative agreement include:

• A General Annual Increase for all classifications in the last two years of the agreement
• A comprehensive plan to achieve provincial wage parity for EMS over a number of years
• Several new benefits
• Clarification of existing Collective Agreement language
• Market adjustments for groups that are behind their counterparts across the country
• A plan for the standardization of Paramedics in Manitoba that is consistent with other groups who have been standardized in the Health Care sector
• A Uniform Credit system
• 2% Long Service Step and Long Service-Vacation
• An offer that is in line with other settlements in Manitoba over the last year in Health Care and other sectors

The bargaining committee is strongly recommending acceptance of this tentative agreement, and ratification meetings have been scheduled around the Province. All TPP members will be receiving a ratification package in the mail shortly. The package includes a fact sheet, ratification voting schedule, a ballot and a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Click here for the ratification meeting schedule

How to Cast Your Ballot

TPP members can vote by bringing in their ballot when attending one of the meetings and depositing it in a ballot box, or by mail.

If you plan to vote at a meeting, you must bring your ballot with you. You WILL NOT be issued any other ballot than the one enclosed.

All ballots mailed in must be received at the Winnipeg MGEU office by 4:30 pm on Thursday, August 11, 2011.

NOTE: When registering to vote, please ensure you have your membership card or other identification with you.