The provincial government has established a committee to conduct an adult corrections capacity review. The members of the review committee are Dennis Bracken, Lucille Bruce and Richard Bruce. They will provide advice to government on the following questions:
1. How much additional capacity to incarcerate adult inmates should be added to Manitoba’s provincial correctional system over the next five to 10 years?
2. What services, programming and skills training should be made available at provincial adult correctional centres to reduce the likelihood of recidivist behaviour and to ensure inmates are ready for life outside prison?
In considering these questions, the review committee will consider all relevant information, including:
a. The current capacity and population of Manitoba’s provincial adult correctional centres.
b. The age and condition of Manitoba’s existing provincial adult correctional centres and the extent to which renovations or replacements may be required over the next five to 10 years with special attention given to the needs of new immigrants and Aboriginal inmates and inmates with addictions.
c. Factors that are likely to affect the size of Manitoba’s provincial adult correctional population over the next five to 10 years including changes to relevant legislation, trends in crime rates and changes in the capacity of law enforcement and other partners in the justice system.
d. The current profile of Manitoba’s provincial adult correctional population and any anticipated changes over the next five to 10 years.
e. The differing needs of and ability to provide services and programs to remanded and sentenced inmates.
f. The relatively short duration of the stay of inmates in provincial custody.
g. Best practices followed in other correctional systems in Canada and elsewhere, in particular with respect to jail safety procedures, with a special focus on correctional officer safety, and specific strategies for suppressing and preventing gang activity behind bars;
h. The financial costs and social impacts associated with its recommendations.
The review committee will accept public input through the Department of Justice's website. Their work will be supported by a technical advisory group comprised of staff representatives from Manitoba Justice and Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation.The review committee will submit a written report to the minister of justice setting out options and recommendations before Dec. 31, 2011.