Last week, Family Services Minister Gord Mackintosh announced a stakeholder implementation committee to move ahead on a new, long-term plan for the Manitoba Developmental Centre (MDC), located in Portage la Prairie. The idea involves MDC shifting from a traditional institutional setting to a centre of excellence campus that provides services for people with unique and challenging needs.

The implementation committee’s work will build on the work of the Government-MGEU Workforce Planning Committee. That committee brought representatives from the MGEU and the province together throughout 2010 to examine the issues arising from the declining resident population at the MDC and to consider options for the future.

“I would like to extend my appreciation and thanks for the hard work that went into the final report,” added Mackintosh. “I look forward to continuing to partner with the MGEU to ensure an ongoing role for the expertise of MDC staff.”

“With the resident population declining, we must proactively manage this change and move now to ensure ongoing stable supportive housing for residents, a continued role for MDC’s exceptionally skilled workforce and guard against damage to the area economy,” he added. “This likely means some continued specialized residential services but with a new focus on outreach services for Portage and area.”

He said members appointed to the committee will work to oversee the implementation of the transformation of MDC and help ensure employment stability, either at MDC or elsewhere in the civil service.

The committee is looking at ways to ensure residents continue to have access to quality care from MDC staff while at the same time allowing MDC to develop specialized on-site services, community options and outreach in the Portage la Prairie area. This could include crisis stabilization, respite, specialized care and day services, or employment supports. The committee will also explore other options for MDC, such as offering health-care services or supports for other vulnerable people.

The committee includes:
• Bruce Buckley, of the Manitoba Government and General Employee’s Union (MGEU);
• Ann Krahn, a family member of a resident at MDC;
• Kam Blight, of the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie;
• Brent Froese, of the City of Portage la Prairie;
• Janet Forbes, of Community Living Winnipeg;
• Scott Klassen, of People First of Manitoba;
• Dr. Jennifer Frain, executive director of New Directions;
• Karen Guth, an MDC staff representative;
• Cynthia Winram, CEO of MDC;
• Joanna Knowlton, Manitoba public trustee;
• Marvin Krawec, of Friends of MDC; and
• representatives of the provincial government.