For almost a year now, Technical Professional Paramedical (TPP) negotiations have been ongoing. When bargaining began, the TPP bargaining committee looked over all of the proposals put forward by the membership and set out a number of goals they felt they needed to accomplish in this round of negotiations. This included a fair wage increase for all, market and special wage adjustments, and wage parity for rural EMS personnel with their Winnipeg counterparts.

While both sides have dealt with nearly all of the committee's primary goals, the employer is still unable to address the key issue of EMS wage parity to the committee's satisfaction.

With that in mind, the employer has requested one more meeting on Monday, June 20, and it's hoped they’ll address this key issue. Next week, the committee will update members on the outcome of that meeting and the direction they plan to take.

PLEASE SHARE – Due to the current Canada Post lock out, the MGEU is unable to mail this information to members. To help get the message out, the bargaining committee is asking TPP members to share this bargaining bulletin by printing off the print version at home and posting it on an MGEU bulletin board at work. Thank you.