Every year, more than 1,000 Canadians die as a result of their work. Last year in Manitoba, 29 workers died as a result of a serious incident or occupational disease. Another 15,000 Manitobans suffered a workplace injury serious enough to miss work.

Behind these statistics are countless working families that have been scarred by workplace injuries and fatalities. There is a young woman who won’t get to fulfill her dream of becoming an architect. There are children who will grow up without their father. There are seniors facing retirement without their husband.

These tragedies don’t have to happen. We can take action to make our workplaces safe and healthy. With the right policies and investments, we can ensure workers make it home from work healthy and in one piece, every day.

That’s the goal of Working Families Manitoba – a community campaign of the Manitoba Federation of Labour designed to raise awareness on issues that matter to working people. With the provincial election coming on October 4, their primary goals are to make sure politicians of all stripes pay attention to issues working families care about; and that voters learn where their candidates stand on these issues, and consider those positions when casting their votes.

Their first initiative in the campaign is the Making it Home Safely from Work report card, which shows where Manitoba’s political parties stand on workplace health and safety issues.

Learn more about the campaign and read the report card here.

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