The 2010 - 2014 Civil Service contract was signed by the MGEU and the Government on April 26th. As has been the case with the last few contracts, you can download it, along with all of the salary schedules here.

The MGEU will be producing and mailing print copies of the contract for those who don’t have online access, or simply prefer to read the agreement in print.

However, due to the current work stoppage at Canada Post, copies may not be available for some time. In the mean time, you can request a hard copy of the collective agreement by contacting the MGEU Resource Centre and it will be sent as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support and patience.

In Solidarity,

MGEU Civil Service Bargaining Committee:

Deborah Navitka, Administration
Bev Schreyer, Clerical
Patrick Gilbertson, Corrections
Darcie Johnson, Health
Roger Gillis, Legal
Jennifer Stepaniuk, Physical Sciences
Mark Soltys, Social Sciences
Wally Fletcher, Trades
Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU 1st Vice President
Janet Kehler, Staff Representative
Sheila Gordon, Chief Negotiator