Bargaining for University College of the North members (UCN Local 69 and 70) commenced November 29th, 2010. The bargaining committee, representing about 285 MGEU members, met with the employer on 18 separate occasions over the last five months.

Late in the day on Thursday April 21st the employer tabled a settlement offer with the union, which addresses a number of key areas such as wages, pension funding, benefits and employment security.

The bargaining committee believes the employer’s offer represents the best that can be achieved during these uncertain economic times and as such, the committee is recommending acceptance of the offer.

The committee is in the process of putting a contract ratification package together and scheduling information meetings in Thompson and The Pas. Full details of all agreed to items, the employer’s settlement offer, a ballot and a self-addressed, stamped envelope will be included in the ratification package.

Members can cast their ballot in one of two ways:
1) They can mail it in the self-addressed, stamped envelope (ballots must be received at the Winnipeg MGEU Office before 1:30 PM on Monday May 30th, 2011); or
2) They can cast their ballot at one of the following information meetings:

 The Pas    Thompson
 Tuesday, May 24, 2011    Wednesday, May 25, 2011
 5 PM - 7 PM    5 PM - 7 PM
 MGEU Office    UCN - Thompson Campus
 10 - 11th Street W    Room P4-100 (Blue Room)