Since May 2010, the WRHA Community Programs (Local 220) Bargaining Committee met with the employer on 25 occasions to reach a new tentative agreement.

The committee anticipated that negotiating this agreement would be a tough, slow process, which it has been. On April 20, the employer put forth a “final offer” package on the remaining non-monetary items as well as monetary items (i.e. wages and benefits).

The Local’s Bargaining Committee (which represents roughly 600 members) is not satisfied with the final package proposed by the employer and is currently considering the next steps for Local 220. In the next few weeks members will receive a mail out with details about the package proposal, as well as the committee’s recommendation for the next steps for the Local to take.

The Bargaining Committee appreciates the continued support of members as they work towards obtaining a fair and reasonable settlement for all members of Local 220.