Please join the SAFE Workers of Tomorrow on April 28th for the annual Leader's Walk.

Each year the walk is held to increase youth and general community awareness of the National Day of Mourning, established in recognition of workers who have been killed or injured on the job, or who have become ill because of their work.

The theme of this year's Leader's Walk is SAFETY IN THE FOUR DIRECTIONS, acknowledging Manitoba's strong indigenous culture. Students from each of four directions of the province have created minute long videos, in which they discuss workplace safety and health in their community using the teachings of the four directions of the medicine wheel. Students participating are from Steinbach Regional School, Helen Betty Osborne Ininiw Education Resource Centre (Norway House), Carman Collegiate and Crocus Plains Regional Secondary (Brandon).

Leader's Walk Schedule:

11-11:45 - Lunch at Union Centre (Room 2C - 275 Broadway, Winnipeg) for participants
11:45-Noon - Marshalling of the group for the walk to the Legislature
Noon-12:15 - Walk to the Legislature from Union Centre down Broadway
(sidewalks both sides - giving out Day of Mourning stickers as we go)
12:15-12:45 - Media event in the Rotunda (procession goes up the Grand Staircase to the 2nd floor of the Legislature)

The Minister of Labour & Immigration, Ms Jennifer Howard, is confirmed to speak, and Mr. Michael Werier, Chair of the WCB, is also expected.

If you would like to attend the Leader's Walk please RSVP to Marjorie at If you have any questions, please call SAFE Workers of Tomorrow at 992-2988.