Some political candidates won’t answer your questions – but we will!

While Canadians are asked to go to the polls on May 2, activists with the All Together Now! campaign are concerned there has been too much rhetoric and not enough substance on issues around tax fairness and public services. To address that gap, we are holding a Telephone Town Hall with MGEU members across Manitoba on Wednesday, April 27 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.

“With almost half of all MGEU members working directly for the province of Manitoba, it’s important for members to talk about public services and how these services are impacted by taxation. This is a chance for our members to address these issues and get informed,” said Lois Wales, MGEU President.

The Telephone Town Hall will be hosted by journalist and best-selling author Linda McQuaig, economist and University of Manitoba Professor, John Loxley, and James Clancy, National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) President.

It’s time to talk Tax Fairness. Did you know:

- The richest 1% of Canadians doubled their share of income between the late 1970s and 2007; and the richest 0.01% quintupled their share. Meanwhile, average wages in Canada have remained stagnant for about 30 years.

- Our governments don’t have a spending problem. In 1992, total spending was 53% as a share of our economy. In 2008 it was 39%.

- We have a tax fairness problem. The top 1% earners in Canada paid a lower total tax rate than the poorest 10%. How is that fair?

- By 2012, Canada will have the lowest corporate tax rates in the G7. Canada's rate will be 15% lower than the US, yet governments say they are running deficits and will need to cut public services. How is that fair?

Let’s have a real conversation about the big issues.

To submit a question for our guest panel to answer during the MGEU Telephone Townhall, email the MGEU Resource Centre by Wednesday, April 27th at 7pm.

We hope you stay on the line on April 27th.

Or join NUPGE’s Virtual Town Hall on April 28th

All Together Now!