On Sunday, April 17, the Law Courts building opened its doors to thousands of Manitobans as part of annual “Law Day.” Dozens of MGEU’s Sheriff Officers volunteered their time to give the public a glimpse into our legal system. Officers were on hand to scan all entrants to the building (a display case of confiscated weapons was a popular stop), and demonstrate how inmates are transferred between our correctional institutions and the court. It was a great opportunity to show Manitobans how our Sheriff Officers work every day to keep our communities safe and our courts going strong.


Get the Facts on Sheriff Services…

The first person you’ll see when you enter a court house in Manitoba is almost certainly a Sheriff Officer. That’s because a key part of their job is to provide security at all Manitoba court houses and ensure the building is safe and secure.

Last year, Sheriffs scanned nearly 285,000 individuals who entered the Winnipeg Law Courts Complex.

Any time an inmate travels between a correctional facility and the courts, two Sheriff Officers are always by their side. These Officers are specially trained to carry out searches, cuff and shackle inmates, and protect the safety of the public.

Last year, Sheriff Officers throughout the province transported over 25,000 inmates to court, traveling over a million miles by road and nearly 160,000 miles by air.

There are Sheriff offices in Portage, Brandon, Dauphin, The Pas, Thompson and Winnipeg. Up North, Sheriff Officers cover especially long distances every day and have transported inmates by snowmobile, boat and dog sled.

Every day in our communities, sheriffs are also there to protect Manitobans and make sure justice is served.

Last year, Sheriff Services served over 3,000 legal documents, including protection orders and subpoenas.

Sheriff Officers fulfill a vital role in our legal system, often working overtime to ensure that the system is working as effective and efficiently as possible, and that justice is served.

There are currently 172 Sheriff Services staff province-wide, with 23 more slotted to begin service in the next few months.