The Family Centre of Winnipeg (Local 212)  is joining forces with the Winnipeg Foundation to ask for your support to their Family Centre Endowment and Memorial Fund.

The 90 Hour Giving Challenge is your opportunity to help Family Centre ensure their long term success and stability though an Endowment and Memorial Fund at the Winnipeg Foundation. Based on how much you give online between Monday, April 19th at 6:00 a.m. and Thursday, April 21st at midnight, the Winnipeg Foundation will make a gift to the Family Centre. Under the list of Agency Funds, please click on Family Centre Endowment and Memorial Fund and fill in your information as requested to make your gift.

Each year, a little of the interest earned through this fund is used to support small projects impacting at-risk children and families. The rest is reinvested so that the fund will continue to grow. In time, the annual interest will be sufficient to allow The Family Centre to be more self- sustaining and to be able to address emerging needs in the community.

The Family Centre continues to struggle to secure core funding for their six Family Resource Centres across Winnipeg. The centres have become the hubs in each community where leadership is emerging and community capacity is building. Tenant Advisory Committees drive the process so that community issues are discussed and prioritized by those who live there. Families and children feel safer and programs have developed to meet the unique needs of each community.

Go to The 90 Hour Giving Challenge to make your gift.