Every March, social workers throughout the country celebrate National Social Work Month (NSWM) in recognition of the important contributions social workers provide to society.

In honour of NSWM and Mantioba’s social workers, Gord Mackintosh, Minister of Family Services and Consumer Affairs, proclaimed March 7 to March 13, 2011 as Manitoba Social Workers Appreciation Week.

Yesterday, the Minister was joined by MGEU President, Lois Wales; MGEU 4th Vice President and social worker, Jan Henley; the President of the Canadian Association of Social Workers, Darlene MacDonald; as well as Kathy Jones, Diane Cullen and Albert Hajes from the Manitoba Institute of Registered Social Workers to sign the official proclamation.

“Social workers are on the front lines, dealing with people in difficult situations and they do a great job helping, supporting, and guiding people through all the programs and services that Manitoba has to offer,” said minister of Family Services and Consumer Affairs Gord Mackintosh. “I am proud of the work that social workers do. They deserve our thanks and appreciation every day, but especially during Social Workers Appreciation Week.”

The MGEU, which represents more than a thousand social workers in Manitoba, is pleased to join the Province in celebrating Manitoba Social Workers Appreciation Week as it recognizes the important contribution these workers make each day in working with vulnerable populations and striving for meaningful social change.

“Social workers do what they do because they truly care about the well-being of others and enjoy helping those who need it most,” says Henley. “I’m very pleased and proud to see this type of recognition for Manitoba’s social workers. They deserve it.”