After many difficult months of attempting to negotiate the Corrections sub agreement, the bargaining committee brought the Employer’s final offer to the membership last month.

The corrections ratification vote was completed on March 2nd and the ballots were tallied by the committee. The membership made a very clear statement, with a 95% rejection, that the Employer’s offer was not acceptable.

With this strong mandate in hand, the committee will be requesting the Employer return to the table to resume negotiations for a fair sub agreement. The committee will communicate with members on the progress and the position of government in this regard.

Corrections members are reminded that while the sub agreement vote is now finished, the vote for the Civil Service agreement is ongoing. Corrections members are part of that bargaining unit, which is why the MGEU urges any members who have not done so already to cast their ballot. All ballots must be returned to the Winnipeg MGEU Office by Friday, March 11th at noon. Ballots arriving late, will not be counted.