Last month, Moosehead Breweries' management walked away from contract negotiations and served a “lock out” notice to the members of our sister union in New Brunswick (The New Brunswick Union of Private and Public Employees) on February 19.

The bargaining unit, which includes more than 170 production and maintenance workers, had been in negotiations since the end of December.

It’s unfortunate the management of Moosehead Breweries chose to abruptly halt the negotiation process with their decision to lock out their workers.

Tom Mann, NBUPPE Executive Director, credits Moosehead’s unionized workforce as key to the company’s success over the years, with a 45 year history of negotiated agreements.

“We understand the challenges of the industry. We also understand the company’s success has been due to the family approach of working together. In negotiations – like a family - you follow and trust the process. We are astonished by the “lock out” tactic used by the company,” said Mann.

The people working for the brewery care very much for Moosehead’s continued success, which is why they’re asking supporters NOT to boycott Moosehead products during the lockout. If those are their wishes, I’d like to take it one step further by asking MGEU members, in a display of solidarity with our brothers and sisters being locked out, to purchase Moosehead products in support. Hopefully a resolution can be found soon.

Lois Wales
MGEU President