(NUPGE) – This week Canadians from coast to coast are saying that they want to see governments invest more in mental health care and that this is possible by ending the corporate tax giveaways.

Events are taking place across Canada from February 28 to March 6, 2011 as part of the National Union of Public and General Employee's (NUPGE) All Together Now! campaign.

The Days of Action will highlight the growing public demand for increased resources for mental health services at a time when governments are choosing to cut corporate taxes even further.

James Clancy, national president of the 340,000 member NUPGE says that this is the first of what will be a series of Days of Action.

“For our first Days of Action, we identified the theme of 'No more corporate tax cuts. We want more resources for mental health services'.”

“In dozens of communities across Canada, we will be standing up for Canadians and against corporate tax cuts. Our collective voice will be loud and powerful!”

Newfoundland - Conducting information sessions and distributing materials across the province

Nova Scotia - Participating in a major conference on mental health

Prince Edward Island - Tuesday, March 1, 2011 - wear yellow to support mental health; Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - Town Hall Meeting - 7 pm, Murphy Centre, Charlottetown; Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 3-5, 2011 - Conversations at local malls

Ontario - Walk the Talk on Mental Health - Postcard Campaign
Walk The Talk on Mental Health - London Rally March 9

Manitoba Facebook rally being organized for week of March 14th

Saskatchewan - Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - Leafletting outside major banks in downtown Regina

Alberta - Supporting a showing of Edmonton Theatre Network's play "Communion"
Presentation at the Edmonton and District Labour Council 2011 School

British Columbia - Conducting educationals and distributing materials across the province