MGEU Civil Service members have begun to cast their ballots and this week, for the first time ever, the union hosted a tele-meeting to allow members to listen in and ask a question about the final offer and the bargaining process.

On Wednesday night, starting at 7pm, those Civil Service members who had provided the union with their home phone number received a phone call from the MGEU which invited them to stay on the line for a one-hour session with President Lois Wales and Chief Negotiator Sheila Gordon.

More than 5,000 members listened in for at least a portion of the tele-meeting. At the end of the phone call, members on the line who still had a question were encouraged to leave a voice mail message, which the bargaining committee will be following up in the coming days.

The bargaining committee will also be reviewing the questions asked at the tele-meeting and this may result in additions to the list of frequently-asked questions posted on our site.

In the meantime, if you have not yet cast a ballot, the bargaining committee urges you to do so. Members have two options to cast their ballot:

1. Bring your ballot (you will not be issued another one) to a voting location, where members of the Bargaining Committee will be on hand to answer questions about the offer, or

2. Mail in your marked ballot to the MGEU office using the self-addressed stamped envelope included in the voting package, which was mailed to members last week.

All ballots must be returned to the Winnipeg MGEU Office by Friday, March 11th at noon. Ballots arriving late, will not be counted.