On Wednesday, February 23, the MGEU will be holding its first ever tele-meeting with its Civil Service membership.

That night at 7pm, all Civil Service members will receive a phone call which will allow them to stay on the line for a one-hour call-in show with MGEU President Lois Wales and Civil Service negotiators. All those listening will have a chance to pose a question about the final offer and the upcoming ratification vote live by telephone, or leave a message that will be followed-up by a member of the MGEU Civil Service Bargaining Committee.

For further information about the February 23rd tele-meeting, or if you're a Civil Service member and have any reason to think the MGEU may not have your current contact information on file, please call the Resource Centre or update your information online.

Want to meet with your Bargaining Committee in person? Here’s the list of scheduled Civil Service information meetings across the province.