Voting packages for the revised Civil Service offer were mailed to members on February 14th and 15th.

The package includes…
- a message from the bargaining committee;
- a highlight sheet of what was achieved at the table;
- a schedule of province-wide voting times / locations; and
- a ballot and post-paid envelope that can be mailed into the MGEU office.

Because the Fact Sheet, containing the complete details of the offer, is a particularly lengthy document – and the union sent out copies just last month with the original package – we decided not to send it again to every member. New members, who didn’t receive the previous voting package, will receive the Fact Sheet in this mailing, but for any other member who’d like to receive a copy, simply contact the Resource Centre to have a copy mailed or e-mailed to you. Copies will also be available at all voting locations and in each regional office.

During the next few weeks, the Civil Service Bargaining Committee and MGEU staff will be on hand at meetings across the province to review and discuss the offer with members.

Two options to cast your ballot

1. Bring your ballot (you will not be issued another one) to a voting location in your area, where members of the Bargaining Committee will answer questions about the offer and have ballot boxes on hand for voting, or

2. Mail in your marked ballot to the MGEU office using the self-addressed stamped envelope included in your package. All ballots must be returned to the Winnipeg MGEU Office by Friday, March 11th at noon. Ballots arriving late, will not be counted.


Read the Frequently-Asked Questions about the agreement and vote