With so many MGEU groups currently in negotiations or casting their ballots in ratification votes, it’s a very important time for members to stay connected to their union and get what they need to make an informed decision.

Keep in mind, the employer does not automatically send all of your contact information to the MGEU. The only way the union can keep members apprised of the latest developments is by communicating to members using the contact information YOU submit to the MGEU.

At key times in negotiations the union sends important updates to members through the mail, in e-mails and over the phone. Even if you think the union already has your contact information on file, some key details could be missing so it’s always a good idea to send your latest info. It’s also a good idea to clean out your e-mail inbox periodically to keep important e-mails from getting bounced when it’s full.

To make sure you remain in the loop, send us an update of your information and fill out every applicable field to ensure the union has all of the information necessary to keep you up-to-date.